Our Story
Established as a Car Club in 2017 by like-minded car enthusiasts, we have welcomed people who have a passion for modified performance driven cars. cars. We attend various car shows throughout the year from the UK's best modified car shows such as Modified Nationals, Modified Live and Max Power Reunion. We also attend drift and rally events. Outkast Panda Crew has a passion for modifying cars to be unique and express individuality.
We help those who identify as experiencing social anxiety and/or depression and a lack of confidence. As a result of our efforts, we have seen our members gain confidence and talk openly about the issues they are facing whilst learning how to fix and modify their cars. Everyone is welcome regardless of their background or the car they drive.
Building on our success, Outkast Panda Crew has grown into a Community Interest Company which provides young adults aged 14-24 who derive from social poverty and disadvantaged areas an opportunity to learn vehicle maintenance that will guide them onto a path to gain apprenticeships and employment.
Since 2010, funding for youth services has been cut dramatically and this has coincided with a rapid increase in crime among young adults, often linked to a “poverty of hope”.* When we speak to young adults in our community about why they engage in crime, we often hear that they are bored and have nothing to do. Hull has some of the highest unemployment and crime figures in the UK with an unemployment claimant rate of 9.8%** and 115 crimes per 1,000 people recorded in 2020.***
We take a preventative approach to anti-social behaviour, engaging with young people early and helping them to avoid a life of crime, bringing them into our community of car enthusiasts and offering
support and encouragement to be the best they can be. Since beginning our sessions in September 2022, we have learned that the root causes of anti-social behaviour are vast and complex. We are not just catering for those already involved in crime but also those at risk of becoming involved whether through a lack of opportunities, being excluded from mainstream school or boredom. We are helping young people build confidence, make new friends and supporting those with mental health problems too.
Alongside our main delivery, we embark on some ambitious projects that put to the test the skills learned, in real world applications. These projects cover a wide variety of areas from building our showcase Peugeot 106 to forming a pit crew at a Time Attack event providing avenues for development and taking into account each individuals preferences.
In conjunction with Humberside Police, our services provide hope to young people, a gateway to employment and better opportunities to ensure they can reach their full potential and avoid a life of crime.
People who join our community hub will benefit from:
•Vehicle maintenance training.
•Further education and life skills.
•Provision of information and other opportunities within the community.
•Foster relationships with others and people of authority.
•Access to further qualifications and apprenticeships with GTA College
Just imagine what we can achieve together!
* www.barnardos.org.uk/news/new-research-draws-link-between-youth-service-cuts-and-rising-knife-crime​
** www.itv.com/news/calendar/2021-04-20/uk-unemployment-falls-as-figures-reveal-hull-as-one-of-worst-in-yorkshire-for-benefit-claimants​
*** crimerate.co.uk/east-riding-of-yorkshire/kingston-upon-hull